play video healthy vs healthful
Commonly Confused

Healthy vs. Healthful

Why both words are equally good for you.

Why both words are equally good for you.

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play video healthy vs healthful
Healthy vs. Healthful


Why both words are equally good for you.

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The History of 'Cynic'


How an ancient philosophical movement devoted to the pursuit of virtue came to describe eye-rolling criticism.

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Sneaked vs. Snuck


How the irregular 'snuck' sneaked into the dictionary

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A word that (literally) drives people nuts

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Drive Safe: In Praise of Flat Adverbs


You don't have to end all your adverbs in -ly to talk right.

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How to Use a Dictionary


The best way to find information in the dictionary

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Alright vs. All Right


Is 'alright' all right?